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An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

I remember my Mom teaching me something her Mom taught her. Trust your body, because your body knows what it needs.

As a young child I loved apples, whilst my younger brother could take them or leave them. I remember wondering why some people really liked something whilst others either didn’t like them at all, or weren’t really bothered either way.

As I’ve studied nutrition more I’ve learned more about the health benefits or certain foods. Today I’m focusing on the humble apple.

When I was about 5 I started getting hay fever. It wasn’t just sniffles and sneezing, but a full blown allergy. My poor parents couldn’t even have the window open in summer because my allergy was so bad, My face would literally treble in size. I had to have work sent home from school, and would have to have about 6 weeks off school during the height of summer.

I wish I had a photo to show you, but I think my Mom was embarrassed to take a picture, as in those days your film had to be sent off to be developed. I remember my Mom telling me that she would get strange looks from people when she had to take me on the bus to go to the doctors because my eyes and lips were terribly puffed up and swollen.

It was so bad that our GP advised my Mom to give me a double dose of my anti allergy tablets which were actually supposed to be for adults. Naturally, I spent hours sleeping which was a relief as I remember feeling miserable. My GP was worried with the severity of my allergy that by my teens I could become allergic to lots more things.

From the age of 6 I had a 4 year course of Immunotherapy injections which were life changing for me. I’m really grateful to the NHS for the help I received. That early intervention definitely changed my life for the better.

I'm grateful for modern medicine and procedures, but I believe that food can make a huge difference in our lives. Since studying nutrition I have learned a lot of amazing things about apples.

Apples contain something called Quercetin. Quercetin, a plant pigment is a powerful antioxidant flavonoid.

Quercetin is found in the peel of apples and its antioxidant properties may help reduce:

Blood Pressure


Allergy Symptoms

Apples are also rich in Vitamin C which helps to develop your child’s immune system. They contain fibre which helps to maintain your child’s blood sugar levels, this in turn helps maintain a sustained energy release.

It doesn’t stop there. Apples are the gift that keep on giving. The Quercetin in the apple skin boosts absorption of Vitamin C. Quercetin also has antihistamine properties, making it helpful for those suffering from allergies.

It is also believed that the Vitamin C in apples acts as an antioxidant to assist immune function, and are a good food to introduce to your child after a bout of Diarrhoea or vomiting.

It amazes me how our bodies work. My body knew from a young age that apples would help with my allergy problem.

Apples really are an amazing fruit, no wonder I love them so much.

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